Be Successful in Your Craft

Committing to your creative practice is one of the best investments you can make. Even if learning to sew is just a hobby for you, in today’s post you’ll learn how committing to your practice will help you get the most out of your investment.
In today’s post I share:

  • A behind-the-scenes look at why 2015 was so incredibly stressful for me as a creative professional… and the big lessons I learned about the importance of commitment and focus…

  • Why commitment is so important as a beginner learning to sew — even if sewing is just a hobby for you…

  • My step-by-step method for finding the time and committing to a project… PLUS get a free worksheet that walks you through the entire process of developing a creative project BEFORE you sit down to sew…

Professional Practices : My 10 educational and business investments that paid off exponentially.

Last month, in my last professional practices article, I discussed 10 ways that I created income streams that paid off my student loan debt in 2 years. I also mentioned that it took a lot of personal and professional development to create the necessary mindset to even think of these ideas! While I am very fortunate and grateful to have the education that I do have, I invested in several other education programs and services to grow Fair Fit. Today, I share with you these resources, programs, and people who helped me learn the personal and business practices that are prospering me now. They might be good resources for you too!

Pattern and Alteration: How to Make common Sleeve Alterations

In this post learn the most common sleeve alterations that I’ve seen in my practice and teaching to help you get a better fit and proportion for your sewn sleeves. You will not only need to know how to reduce fullness and shorten them at times, but when working with a sewing pattern, you might need to add or reduce sleeve ease if you are struggling to set your sleeve properly. There is a specific formula that helps you know the exact amount of ease you need to set the sleeve, read more to follow along. 

A #FairFitDailySew Update

I created a Fair Fit Daily Sew challenge for myself and a few students who were really interested in sewing, but needed a way to find time for their practice after I read a post by sewing blogger Christine Haynes about finding time for your sewing. I decided to give it a try and see what happens. Here is what I learned about the process and some steps for moving forward. 

Make YOUR mark! Learn How to use Silkscreen and Print Your Own Images

I know you must be thinking- how can I learn silkscreen in just one night within 2 hours? The way I learned silkscreen was in art school, and we had a vacuum sealed light table, we would emulsify the screens, expose the screens, wash them out with a power washer in the work room- It was a big ordeal. In this post, meet the thermofax machine, and how it can make screens in minutes. Then, I'll show you some cool things you can make with silkscreen. 

5 Reasons Why You Won’t Regret Learning How To Sew

Do you have too many hobbies? Trust me, I can relate. I spent my 20's trying to learn every possible practical craft I could in order to grow my art practice and clothing line. I was constantly in search of modalities that would allow me to make my work the as unique and distinctive as possible that eventually, I had a had a whole collection of craft skills. In this post, I discuss 5 ways that you will be able to use your new sewing skills beyond hobby and craft.

The Basic Smock Dress- Working with Japanese Patterns

I've got another great weekend project for you! This one is for sewists looking for design inspiration and a more advanced project to improve your skills. In this post, learn all about working with Japanese Patterns and what you need to look for when working with this type of design. I will show you my process of working with the pattern, how to make it fit, how I sewed its details and finishing. Read along and get the tips I use to make the process easy and efficient.